Yuge Zhou

April 12 - May 10, 2025

Opening Reception Saturday, April 12, 2025 6pm - 9pm

still from Trampoline Color Exercise, 2024

At the age of five, Yuge Zhou (周雨歌) became a household name in China as the singer for popular children’s TV series. Growing up in the second stage of China’s economic reform, Yuge witnessed a massive influx of migration, expansion and globalization. Yuge came to the US almost two decades ago to earn a degree in computer science and subsequently moved into video art and installations.

As she has moved between continents and from the East coast to the Midwest, she become deeply intrigued with the social interactions and transient encounters across constructed or natural spaces - the sites of our shared dreams. She documents personal and geopolitical relationships embedded within metaphorical territories and borders. Her recent projects explore the geographical, historical and emotional distance between her homeland and America—her adopted country—and broader challenges of transcending separation.

Yuge has exhibited nationally and internationally in prominent art and public venues. Her work has been featured in the New York Magazine, Hyperallergic and The Atlantic, and recently acquired by the Museum of Contemporary Photography in Chicago and the Carl & Marilynn Thoma Foundation. Yuge is the recipient of the 2024 Joyce Foundation Artadia Award and a 2021 Artist Fellowship Award in Media Arts from Illinois Arts Council.

In addition to her art practice, she also directs and curates the 3300-square foot 150 Media Stream, a uniquely-structured public digital art installation in Chicago. In this capacity, she has worked with over fifty media artists and cultural institutions to create innovative programming that engages a cross section of diverse communities.